The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) is the national organization representing all 50 state workforce agencies, D.C. and U.S. territories. These agencies deliver training, employment, career, business and wage and hour services, in addition to administering the unemployment insurance, veteran reemployment and labor market information programs. NASWA provides policy expertise, shares promising state practices and promotes state innovation and leadership in workforce development.

See the History of NASWA


To enhance the state workforce agencies’ ability to accomplish their goals, statutory roles and responsibilities.



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To be a leading national advocate for workforce development policy and catalyst for system advances.

Chart with upward curve and sight scope
Strategic Goals

Drive the national agenda for workforce policy by:

  • Being the respected voice of state workforce systems;

  • Defining national policy on workforce and related issues; and by
  • Aligning the work of our national partners

Provide high value member services by:

  • Building an active network for state administrators;
  • Sharing best practices to successfully advance the national and state workforce system, improving business climate and economic opportunities for employers and job seekers; and by
  • Providing workforce program and technology solutions.