Call for State Presenters

Submission Criteria for State Workforce Agencies


Planners for the 2020 NASWA Veterans Conference are seeking workshop presenters who can provide learning opportunities for conference attendees on "Promising Practices" relevant to serving our nation's Veterans, transitioning service members and military spouses, and the employers who hire them.

This year’s conference will again include several Veteran-focused themes: military spouses, disabled Veterans, significant barriers to employment, employers, state promising practices, and transitioning from the military to a civilian career. Presenters are encouraged to focus on these topics, but we have also provided a list of suggested subject areas below, as well as more information about the conference itself. Please do not feel you are limited to these topical areas.


About the Conference

Great speakers like Medal of Honor recipient Flo Groberg, Second Lady Karen Pence, artist Tyler Way, and wheelchair athlete Shaun Castle, as well as a number of amazing workshops highlighted the 2019 NASWA Veterans Conference. Almost 600 people – representing 49 states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia - attended the event, along with staff from USDOL, DOD, SBA, VA, and numerous employers and Federal contractors. Click here to view the 2019 conference video. We expect even greater attendance in 2020, and will soon be announcing keynote and plenary speakers. The conference will be August 12-14, 2020, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington DC.

The conference agenda will include an employer panel featuring HVMP recipients, plenary speakers, and multiple breakout sessions. Current plans have workshops at three different times during the conference, with six to eight workshops scheduled for each time slot. We will consider requests for specific time slots. There is a possibility some workshops will be offered more than once based on topic and identified demand. More information about the conference will be available at


Workshop presentations

Breakout sessions will be 60 minutes in length. Presenters should either allow time for audience questions throughout the session or leave time for questions and answers at the end to encourage interaction. Presentations should include information on the "how" and the "why," explaining the process, pitfalls, hardships, etc. that went into the practice, and lessons learned. Presenters are expected to exhibit a high level of professionalism and to begin and end their presentations on time. A member of NASWA, NASWA staff, the Vets Committee, or one of our agency partners will moderate all sessions.

We prefer to have one speaker per state, but if additional speakers are needed, please reference that requirement in the presentation proposal.

Presentation proposals should include any specific A/V requirements, such as a projector, screen, laptop, and Wi-Fi. All presentations should have the primary objective of providing information, education or opportunity for the attendees. Presentations should not include any overt solicitation on behalf of any individual, vendor, product, organization or commercial activity; the conference offers paid exhibit space to promote products and/or services.

Presenters who have appeared at previous NASWA events should reference that information in their proposal. Presenters are expected to submit a copy of their presentation to the program committee by the designated deadline. These presentations will be made available to conference attendees on the NASWA website after the event. All presenters must be willing to mentor others who want to use their "Promising Practice."


Suggested presentation topics:

Conference planners surveyed states who attended the 2019 event to get ideas on the types of information they would like included at the 2020 event. The top 10 requests are listed in bold italics. Some topics could easily be combined, such as serving different generations (older and younger vets) and legal issues/Veteran courts. Here is a list of suggested topics for consideration, but presenters and panelists are not limited to these topics.

  • Apprenticeship
  • Business Services and LVERs
  • Case Management SOP for DVOPs
  • Compliance and the OFCCP
  • Credentialing and Licensing
  • Employer Panel
  • Employer Veteran Hiring Initiatives
  • Entrepreneurship/Small Business Boot camp
  • How to Talk to a Veteran
  • Identifying Your Community Resources
  • Integrating Veterans into the Career One-Stop
  • Leadership for Veterans Programs (for administrators)
  • Legal Issues
  • LinkedIn for Veterans & Military Spouses
  • Marketing Veterans Services
  • Microsoft Tools (hands-on session)
  • Military Spouses and Caregivers
  • Moral Injury
  • National Labor Exchange Academy
  • National Veterans Training Institute
  • New State Laws That Benefit Veterans
  • Objective Assessment Tools
  • Performance Analysis, Metrics & Reporting
  • Priority of Service/Veterans Preference Laws
  • Resume Writing for Veterans
  • Serving Veterans with Brain Injuries (TBI, CTE)
  • Serving Ex-offenders
  • Serving Homeless Veterans
  • Serving Incarcerated Veterans
  • Serving LGBTQ Veterans
  • Serving Military Spouses
  • Serving Native American Veterans
  • Serving Older Veterans
  • Serving the military/Veteran family
  • Serving Veterans with Mental Illness
  • Serving Veterans with PTS
  • Serving Veterans When You are Not a Veterans
  • Serving Younger Veterans
  • Significant Barriers to Employment
  • State Veteran Hiring Initiatives
  • Suicide Awareness & Prevention
  • Transition
  • Using Labor Market Information
  • Using Social Media for Employers
  • Using Social Media as a Job Search Tool
  • Veteran Service Organizations
  • Veteran Treatment Courts
  • Virtual Career Fairs
  • What You Need to Know about UCX
  • Women Veterans
  • Work Opportunity Tax Credit for Veterans


Instructions for Submitting a Proposal

Please email your proposal with all requested materials to Lori Adams, NASWA Veterans Policy Director, at, by COB Friday, January 10th. A subcommittee of the Veterans Affairs Committee will review all proposals and select final presenters. All presenters and panelists will be notified no later than April 3, 2020, if their proposal was selected. Thank you for your interest in the 2020 NASWA Veterans Conference.

For additional information, questions or concerns with regard to the speaker protocol, please contact: Lori Adams at,


Response Format

Interested presenters need to provide the following information. Multiple proposals are welcome. All proposals must be in this format:

  1. Presenter Name(s)
  2. Presenter Job Title(s)
  3. Company/Organization Name
  4. Address(es)
  5. Telephone Number(s)
  6. Email address(es)
  7. Proposed Presentation Title
  8. Describe your "Promising Practice" (four-paragraph maximum). Please include the following specifics in your description: How long has this practice been in place? Did it save money, improve performance, develop or enhance existing partnerships, etc.? Did it cost anything to implement? If so, what was the funding source? What if any pitfalls did you encounter along the way? What were some lessons learned? Would you recommend other states try this? Would you do it again knowing what you know now? Please provide a success story if you have one.
  9. Brief biography of each presenter
  10. Photograph of each presenter, preferably in jpeg format (minimum 300 dpi) for inclusion in the Conference Program
  11. Audio Visual Support Needed
  12. Has this presentation been offered a previous NASWA conference? If yes, when and where?
  13. Are you willing to present this topic more than once during the conference?
  14. Contact name and number the day of the presentation

If you have developed a great strategy, tool, or resource, we hope you will consider sharing it with your peers at the 2020 NASWA Veterans Conference!