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Wednesday, November 6
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Using Technology and Digital Tools to Transform Public Employment Services: The Experience of the USA


Job seekers, working learners, and displaced workers are turning to employment service organizations for help navigating complex issues at the intersection of life, learning, and work. How are employment service agencies and workforce development organizations keeping up with the shifting needs of workers and learners? How can public employment services keep up with the pace of change? Technology can help. The objective of this panel is to explore best practices and discover resources to help build digital capacity and integrate technology to improve outcomes, through examples of how technology can improve service delivery, data analysis, organizational management, and collaboration.


  • Patti Constantakis, Consultant, Technology and Workforce Development, Digital Promise, San Mateo, CA
  • Josh Copus, Director, JFFLabs, Washington, DC
  • Pam Gerassimides, Workforce Technology Director, NASWA, Washington, DC
  • Priyanka Sharma, Assistant Director, World Education, Boston, MA

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