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Wednesday, June 29
1:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Concurrent Breakout Session: Bridging the Gap - How Your Unique Personality Traits Can Form Careers Beyond Military Service

Cabin John / Arlington


Bridging the Gap - How Your Unique Personality Traits Can Form Careers Beyond Military Service

This workshop will be an interactive discussion of the exec.TRAITS survey for military veterans, and what key takeaways or insights can be pulled from one’s unique results, including explanation of key archetypes and how they portray in a work setting. Speaker Lana Wertz invites attendees to bring their survey results and have questions answered about the archetypes listed in their survey results. Attendees will learn how to apply these skills and personality traits to careers beyond military service, and it is our hope that this survey will aid in a seamless transition process from military service to civilian career. This workshop speaks directly to veterans and coaches alike and can be beneficial for any individual or group looking for assistance in career placement. Haven’t taken the survey? No worries! There is plenty to still learn from the workshop even without having taken the survey ahead of time.Attendees who wish to take the survey may do so for no cost at All are welcome!


Lana Wertz, Executive Development Specialist, CEO and President of Lana Wertz Executive Development LLC. Co-developer of the exec.TRAITS Survey

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