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Wednesday, May 11
9:00 am - 10:30 am

Opening Plenary Session

Majestic 4 and 5


Welcome Remarks 

Monnikka Madison, Vice-Chair of the NASWA UI IB Subcommittee and Chief of Benefits, DC Department of Employment Services

Pledge of Allegiance

Florida Welcome 

Wendy Castle, Chief, Reemployment Assistance Program, Division of Workforce Services, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

NASWA Update 

Julie Squire, Vice President, Policy and General Counsel, NASWA

NASWA IB Subcommittee Updates 

Monnikka Madison, Vice-Chair of the NASWA UI IB Subcommittee and Chief of Benefits, DC Department of Employment Services

USDOL Update

Michelle Beebe, Division Chief, USDOL Employment and Training Administration (ETA)

NASWA Affiliates