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Wednesday, April 19
9:15 am - 10:00 am

Plenary Session: Keynote Speaker, Larry Weaver

Grand Hall Ballroom (1st Floor)


Smiling man looking at camera

Larry Weaver is a nationally-touring motivational speaker and clean comedian backed by years of professional experience. His easy-going demeanor, Southern charm, and quick wit have won the hearts of audiences across America.

In this interactive and engaging presentation, keynote speaker Larry Weaver uses clean humor and show business anecdotes to illustrate the importance of maintaining a positive attitude. Key points include:

  • Energy–improve health and wellness, live a balanced life, and prioritize self-improvement.
  • Attitude–become more positive, embrace change, and reduce stress.
  • Motivation–increase ability, commit to lifelong learning, and overcome obstacles.

Prepare to laugh, learn, and leave equipped to become more positive in your personal and professional life.


The keynote speaker is sponsored by FAST Enterprises


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