UI 101 Training for Vendors

May 15–17, 2017
Register by November 06, 2018


This course is designed to familiarize information technology professionals and other project staff with the concepts, laws, administrative regulations, and business processes of the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program.  It introduces participants to the basics of UI Tax, Benefits and Appeals regulations and processes at both the national and state level.  The course starts with a brief overview of the history and purpose of the UI program and describes how UI benefits and administrative costs are funded. 

Participants will gain an understanding of the employer’s role in the UI system, including: establishment of an employer account; the reporting of quarterly wages and payment of taxes; how employer rates and charging of benefits are determined; and various enforcement activities within the UI Tax program. The instructors walk participants through the various steps in filing a claim including calculations for a monetary benefit amount and determining claimants’ eligibility