National Apprenticeship Week!
November 11 - 17, 2019 | #NAW2019
NASWA is connecting states and territories to learn and share promising apprenticeship strategies!
The nation comes together for one week to focus on apprenticeship, but NASWA advocates this key state workforce development initiative year-round, and we're ramping up our efforts!
The Apprenticeship Affinity Group will meet Thursday, November 21st, at 3:00 PM EST to share promising practices from apprenticeship week and discuss other relevant topics. The Apprenticeship Affinity Group was born out of the NASWA Employment & Training Committee’s Apprenticeship Workgroup, and now includes over 100 State Apprenticeship directors and other influencers who meet quarterly to discuss emerging issues and share best practices. To learn more, email
Our 2019 Legislative Priorities encourage strong investment in apprenticeships leading to well-paying, secure jobs.
View the Policy Guidelines on Apprenticeships, released in 2018.
We welcomed almost 600 members (including state workforce directors), staff, and other stakeholders from across the country at the 2019 NASWA Workforce Summit & UI Directors' Conference | 83rd Annual Meeting. The Summit featured a presentation on Maryland’s three states' experiences on expanding high-quality apprenticeship opportunities.
The Employment and Training Committee has an Apprenticeship Workgroup which has supported NASWA's efforts to date, and continues to develop relationships with national and state partners, including the Apprenticeship Forward Collaborative to inform policy development and facilitate interstate discussions on apprenticeship.
State Apprenticeship Week Activities
Select a state to see how they highlight apprenticeship!
1) Apprenticeship Event Sparks Employer Interest

1) Apprenticeship Event Sparks Employer Interest

The DES Apprenticeship Office oversees 145 registered apprenticeship programs and more than 3,300 apprentices throughout the state. New opportunities are created every day and serve as an excellent alternative to a traditional 4-year college. #ApprenticeshipWeek2017

1. Mayor Bowser's Facebook Live Friday
Friday, November 9, 2018
3:00 P.M - 3:30 P.M.
DOES Acting Director Dr. Unique Morris-Hughes takes over Mayor Bowser's Facebook Live to discuss how D.C. residents and employers benefit from apprenticeship programs. She will be joined by former apprentice Mouhamed Alexander, owner of Sophie-J a general contracting company, who will share his experience as an apprentice and how it helped him become an entrepreneur.
2. Apprenticeship Works for Youth
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
D.C. Department of Employment Services, 4058 Minnesota Ave. NE Washington, D.C.
10:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
The D.C. Department of Employment Services, Office of Apprenticeship Information and Training is hosting an open house for D.C. youth that will include information sessions, demonstrations with industry partners and on-site registration for apprenticeship programs. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage one-on-one with apprenticeship sponsors.
3. Apprenticeship Works for Government
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Kellogg Conference Hotel at Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Ave. NE Washington, D.C.
11:30 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.
The D.C. Department of Employment Services, Office of Apprenticeship Information and Training is hosting a round-table discussion with industry partners, registered apprenticeship sponsors and leaders to raise awareness of apprenticeship programs in the District. Toni Wilson, from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration will serve as the moderator as the panel will discuss the benefits of apprenticeships, the rise of non-traditional apprenticeships and the state of youth apprenticeships in the District. Panelists will also share or provide insight on the work industry peers are doing to further the apprenticeship model nationally.
DC Department of Employment Services Director Donald and Apprenticeship DC featured in The Washington Post
The District of Columbia Department of Employment Services (DOES) and Director Odie Donald II were featured in the Washington Post today, Tuesday, November 28. The article highlights Apprenticeship DC and the work being done by DOES to connect 25,000 unemployed residents to well-paying jobs as a pathway to the middle class. "We have apprenticeships that touch both traditional and nontraditional industries," stated Director Donald. "I don't want to say there is nothing that is not apprenticable, but there are very few occupations that are not apprenticable."
The article mentions Mayor Muriel Bowser's commitment to apprenticeships in the District Including a recent announcement where "she would allocate $400,000 in additional grants to the city's apprenticeship program to diversify offerings and include more industries." To learn more about Apprenticeship DC and to read the article, click here!

Gary Lane, 49, from left, Darrin Williams, 38, and Patrick Andrews, 31, at a facility of the DC Department of Public Works. The men are all part of the District's pre-apprenticeship Learn, Earn, Advance, Prosper (LEAP) program, which prepares DC residents for success in apprenticeship programs, aiming to boost participants into the middle class. (Astrid Riecken/For The Washington Post)
D.C. leaders hope revamped apprenticeships can bring more residents to the middle class
November 28, 2017
The Washington Post//Perry Stein
The city has spent about $2 million on apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs since Bowser took office in 2014, paying residents while they become federally certified in a trade, said Odie Donald, director of D.C.'s Department of Employment Services. Under the administration, the number of people participating in apprenticeship programs has grown from 600 to 1,300, with about 60 percent of them living in Wards 7 and 8.
There Links:
Iowa Workforce Development Receives Additional Funding To Expand Apprenticeship Program
News Release on Activities for National Apprenticeship Week:
National Apprenticeship Week Governor Proclamation
NEWS RELEASE: National Apprenticeship Week Highlights Opportunities for Employers, Job Seekers
Media Release: Iowa Workforce Development Awards Funds to Expand Registered Apprenticeship Opportunities (January 14, 2019)
Apprenticeship Week has officially begun in Kansas with this special celebration for the National Apprenticeship Week Proclamation at the @WestarEnergy Professional Development Center!

LWC (@LouisianaWorks)
11/8/18, 9:53 AM
Governor John Bel Edwards has proclaimed next week National Registered Apprenticeship week in Louisiana! Here's what's coming up, so be on the lookout for more information in the days to come! #LWC #LAWorks #LWC4LA
- LWC celebrates National Apprenticeship Week 2017 Press Release
- November 15th, juniors and seniors at Glen Oaks High School in Baton Rouge will participate in an open house to learn about the benefits of apprenticeship training.
- November 16th, LWC administrators will travel to Shreveport to tour Caddo Career & Technical Center (CCTC) and meet with representatives from Learn4Life, a national education initiative that has proven to leverage Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding to assist students in finding employment. From this meeting, the LWC hopes to determine a strategy for integrating CCTC into the apprenticeship framework.
Maryland is hosting Apprenticeship Works! for National Apprenticeship Week. Focusing on how apprenticeship works for any industry, any job, and every Marylander!
Governor Hogan's Proclamation
Press Release
Schedule of Events for Apprenticeship Works!
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation: Join us for 12 exciting events throughout the week, including a networking breakfast with the Maryland Tech Council and TranZed Apprenticeship Services, an apprenticeship sponsor appreciation ceremony, an American Hotel and Lodging Association announcement, a Youth Apprenticeship Program announcement, and a skilled craft union open house.
See Schedule of Events
Join Secretary of Labor Rosalin Acosta for a National Apprenticeship Week celebration of apprenticeship 'firsts' in Massachusetts.
Worcester Technical High School
The MISSISSIPPI Apprenticeship Program and local pilot community colleges are participating in several activities to support National Apprenticeship Week.
A chain of events is taking place in and around Mississippi as we support National Apprenticeship Week. Below are listings of some of these activities.
The Mississippi Apprenticeship Program, (MAP) has launched its website, We are also very excited to share that we have launched two social media accounts:
Twitter - @apprenticems
Facebook - @apprenticems
Chain Electric, an RA program that partners with Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB), is hosting their first registered apprentice graduation, November 8, at the Woodall Center in Hattiesburg, MS. Participating in this event will be Pearl River Community College, (PRCC).
PRCC is also participating in a career fair in Hattiesburg, sharing with industries how MAP can serve their workforce needs. Additionally, there will be a mayoral proclamation supporting RA from the Mayor of Hattiesburg. Details on this date are in progress.
Coahoma Community College is hosting Tuesday, November 13, a RA Signing Event at the McLaurin Vocational Technical Center as two companies sign up as RA programs.
Coahoma is also hosting a brunch on Wednesday, November 14 for companies to share information about Registered Apprenticeship.
Hinds Community College is hosting a Declaration with Governor Bryant's office at KLLM Trucking Company.
Copiah-Lincoln is hosting a coffee brunch with Waters International Thursday, November 15. They are also recording a radio interview Monday, airing on Wednesday and Friday for NAW. Copiah-Lincoln is diligently working to get a press release for media on showcasing RA and the benefits.
On Monday, November 12, The MCCB is hosting a meeting with Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) and the MS Hospital Association on youth apprenticeships in our K-12 system. MCCB is also hosting an internal technical assistance training session on Tuesday, November 13.
2018 MT Apprenticeship Week Governor Proclamation
Guest view: Apprenticeships mean opportunity
State Officials Kick off National Apprenticeship Week at Missoula College
2017 National Apprenticeship Week
Assistant Labor Commissioner Patricia Moran joined union representatives today at Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women to discuss reentry apprenticeship opportunities.

Apprenticeship Career Fair in Albuquerque:
American Fire Sprinkler Association!

United Association of Journeyman & Apprentices of the Plumbing & PipeFitting Industry

Insulation Industry International Apprentice & Training Fund for mechanical insulators.

Sheet medal workers design, fabricate & install heating, ventilation & air conditioning .

ApprenticeOhio has a new website with more comprehensive information for Career Seekers, Parents/Educators, Veterans and Employers. Here are some highlights:
- Online forms that allow users to request more information and which former apprentices can use to request copies of their certificates
- Pre-apprenticeship information, including information about how pre-apprenticeship programs can help with high school graduation requirements
- Links to studies and testimonials from apprentices and sponsors
- Infographics showing such things as the timeline to become a sponsor, return on investment and myths and facts
- Information for veterans, including info about how to use their G.I. benefits to support registered apprenticeship training
Ohio IT Apprenticeship Standards Signing
Address: 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH
Host Organization: Apprenti
Host Org. Industry: IT
Date: 11/13/2018
Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Time: 11:00 AM
Public/Private: Private
Description: This event will be held at the Ohio Statehouse to highlight the signing of the first Registered Apprenticeship standards for IT careers. This will be attended by the director of Ohio Dept. of Veterans Services and ApprenticeOhio. Event will be streamed live online.
- Oklahoma's Apprenticeship Programs:
- You can earn a wage while learning a skill through Registered Apprenticeship. Search apprenticeships here:
- Employer Guide to Registered Apprenticeship
- Build Your Talent Pipeline - Employer Guide
- News Release, 11/13/19: SD Labor Department Provides $370,000 to Expand Apprenticeships
- Governor Noem Recognizes Registered Apprenticeship Week in South Dakota
- Governor Noem Proclamation
- Labor Department Awarding Apprenticeship Incentive Funds
- Labor Department Awarding Youth Apprenticeship Funds
- Apprenticeships Programs growing,Pierre Capital Journal
- Labor Department Hosting Apprenticeship Summit (10/17/18 news release)
- Labor Department and Lake Area Tech Hosting Welding Apprenticeship Meeting (11/8/18 news release)
- Registered Apprenticeship Week Recognized (11/8/18 news release)
- Proclamation from Gov. Dennis Daugaard
- Registered Apprenticeship Video Testimonials:
TWC Celebrates Texas Apprenticeship Week and National Apprenticeship Week
11/12/2018 02:18 PM CST
During national Apprenticeship Week and Texas Apprenticeship Week, The Texas Workforce Commission's (TWC) ApprenticeshipTexas encourages employers to discover how Registered Apprenticeship programs provide training opportunities for businesses, education partners, labor organizations and industry associations meet the ongoing need for a skilled workforce. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued a proclamation recognizing November 12-16, 2018 as Texas Apprenticeship Week to distinguish the importance of apprenticeship programs and the cutting edge of workforce development in Texas.
UT - Apprenticeship Week Press Release
UT - Apprenticeships in Utah
- Learn more about Utah's apprenticeship programs here
- During National Apprenticeship Week, the Employment Security Department (ESD) will highlight social media posts and Apprenticeship WA facts using these social media handles: #ApprenticeshipWA, #WAWorks, #CareerConnectWA, #NAW2019, #NAW19
- Registered apprenticeships exist in advanced manufacturing, IT, healthcare, and other fields. Find more information from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (LNI) here:
- ESD and LNI partnered to develop, that provides great resources to businesses and apprentices.
- Sno-Isle Tech Skills Center hosted its third annual National Apprenticeship Celebration on Nov. 7, 2019: Look for more Washington state events here:
DOL - NAW Toolkit for agencies - Use social media in toolkit for second share each day
- #NAW18
- #ApprenticeshipWeek2018
- #wkdev
- #CareerConnectWA
Friday, Nov 9 - Introduction to week
Apprenticeship is big buzzword these days. Everyone sees the advantages of using Registered Apprenticeship to fill labor shortages and offer well-paying jobs in support of a strong economy. When it's registered, an apprenticeship has training and job-availability oversight that may be lacking in other programs. Challenge yourself during National Apprenticeship Week (Nov 12 - 18), to see how apprenticeship will help your business or career. Visit to get started.
Monday, November 12 - Benefits
Smart employers know that ROI (return on investment) is one of the most important parts of making big decisions regarding their business. That's why Registered Apprenticeship makes sense. For every dollar spent on apprenticeship, employers get $1.50 in return. That's good business sense. During National Apprenticeship Week, Nov. 12 - 18, watch this video to see the benefits for your business.
*VIDEO - "Top 10 reasons employers use RA" -
Tuesday, November 13 - Diversity of Industries
Registered Apprenticeship can take place in almost any industry or business. In fact, there are more than 200 different programs and 15,000 participants in Washington apprenticeships. Electricians, carpenters and pipefitters get most of the apprenticeship news, but there are also programs in cosmetology, accounting and high tech. During National Apprenticeship Week (Nov. 12 - 18), talk with one of our regional consultants by visiting today.
*VIDEO - "See the variety of careers using apprenticeship"
Wednesday, November 14 - Is apprenticeship a good career for me
Everyone can find a new career through a registered apprenticeship program. Whether it's in construction, manufacturing, or even high tech, you can earn-while-you-learn in an apprenticeship program, and gain a marketable skill and a livable wage. Discover your career path by visiting today.
*VIDEO - "Is apprenticeship a good fit for me"
Thursday, November 15 - Women in Apprenticeships
The goal of Apprenticeship and Non-Traditional Employment for Women (ANEW) is to provide access for women into construction, manufacturing, and other careers. Giving equal access to family wage, apprentice-able careers that result in a diverse and skilled workforce lets everybody win. Visit ANEW’s website ( during National Apprenticeship Week (Nov. 12 - 18), to see how non-traditional employment makes the workforce stronger.
Friday, November 16 - Take the next step
As an employer, building a registered apprenticeship program does not have to be overwhelming. Between the U.S. Department of Labor's quick start tool kit and the state Labor & Industries' apprenticeship consultants, there is a ton of help to get you going.
During National Apprenticeship Week, Nov. 12 - 18, use this toolkit to set yourself up for success today!
* ESD has the actual video file for upload
** ESD can get the actual video file for upload
- Introduction to Apprenticeship week
Challenge yourself during National Apprenticeship Week (Nov 13 - 19), to see how apprenticeship will help your business or career. Visit to get started.
VIDEO: - Apprenticeship Benefits
For every dollar spent on apprenticeship, employers get $1.50 in return. That's good business sense. During National Apprenticeship Week, Nov. 13 - 19, learn how to start a Registered Apprenticeship program by visiting - Apprenticeship Diversity of Industries
There are more than 200 different programs and 15,000 participants in Washington apprenticeships. Electricians, carpenters and pipefitters get most of the apprenticeship news, but there are also programs in cosmetology, accounting and high tech. During National Apprenticeship Week (Nov. 13 - 19), talk with one of our regional consultants by visiting
VIDEO: - Apprenticeships Have a Huge labor pool
Women and veterans are among those who can find a new career through a Registered Apprenticeship. Whether it's in construction, manufacturing, or even high tech, you can earn-while-you-learn in an apprenticeship program, and gain a marketable skill and a livable wage. See how to get into a program by visiting
VIDEO: - Women in Apprenticeships
The goal of Apprenticeship and Non-Traditional Employment for Women (ANEW) is to provide access for women into construction, manufacturing, and other careers. Giving equal access to family wage, apprentice-able careers that result in a diverse and skilled workforce lets everybody win. Visit ANEW's website ( during National Apprenticeship Week (Nov. 13 - 19), to see how non-traditional employment makes the workforce stronger.
VIDEO: - Take the next step
As an employer, building a Registered Apprenticeship program doesn't have to be overwhelming. Between the U.S. Department of Labor's quick start tool kit and the state Labor & Industries' apprenticeship consultants (, there is a ton of help to get you going. Get started during National Apprenticeship Week, Nov. 13 - 19, and set yourself up for success today! LINK:
Press Release:
Videos Shared on Social Media:
Social Media Posts:
See a calendar of Apprenticeship Week Events on the USDOL website