2018 NASWA UI IB Award of Excellence Presented to Miryam Valenzuela

Media Contact

Michelle Marshel, Director, Communications & Events
Phone: (202) 999-0168 | Email: mmarshel@naswa.org

For Immediate Release 

WASHINGTON - Recently at the National Association of State Workforce Agencies held its 2018 Unemployment Insurance Interstate Benefits and Federal Training seminar in Savannah, Georgia. Miryam Valenzuela with the Arizona Department of Economic Security was presented with NASWA's 2018 Award of Excellence. Ms. Valenzuela was recognized for her exceptional efforts on the national level in promoting policies that encourage cooperation among states and efficient administration when managing Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims which surpass state boundaries and are therefore more intricate than typical UI claims.

"Ms. Valenzuela's exceptional dedication to NASWA's UI Interstate Benefits Subcommittee, which is integral to the development of promising practices and effective policy for the UI system nationally, specifically the extraordinarily intricate UI Interstate Benefit system is definitely deserving of this award," said Scott B. Sanders, Executive Director of NASWA. "Ms. Valenzuela's commitment to excellence within a complex subject matter is a shining example to her peers across the nation of what can be achieved when one is dedicated to making a difference in their profession."

For more information about NASWA's 2018 Unemployment Insurance Interstate Benefits and Federal Training seminar, visit NASWA.org.

(In Photo: L to R Miryam Valenzuela, Arizona Department of Economic Security, Annette Gordils - Illinois Department of Employment Security)



About the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (www.naswa.org): NASWA is the national organization representing all 50 state workforce agencies, District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. These agencies deliver training, employment, career, business, and wage and hour services, in addition to administering unemployment insurance, veteran reemployment, and labor market information programs. NASWA provides policy expertise, shares promising state practices, and promotes state innovation and leadership in workforce development.