Employers, Agencies Recognized for Dedication to Eliminating Unemployment Waste and Abuse

Media Contact

Michelle Marshel, Director, Communications & Events
Phone: (202) 999-0168 | Email: mmarshel@naswa.org

WASHINGTON - The National Association of State Workforce Agencies' (NASWA) 2019 State Information Data Exchange System (SIDES) Seminar in Nashville recently recognized several employers, Professional Employer Organizations (PEO's), Third-Party-Administrators (TPA's), and agencies for their dedication to reducing fraud and waste in the Unemployment Insurance (UI) system by their commitment to utilizing SIDES for UI benefit claims.

SIDES is a web-based system that allows electronic transmission of information regarding UI claims between UI agencies, employers and TPA's accurately and securely to reduce fraud and waste in the system.

Those recognized for their efforts are as follows:

Employers, PEO's, and TPA's Recognized for Dedication to UI Integrity by their Commitment to Utilizing SIDES:

  • AlphaStaff, Inc.
  • Applied Underwriters, Inc.
  • Arizona Labor Force, Inc.
  • AZ School Risk Retention Trust
  • Dunn Corporate Resources
  • EY
  • The Matrix Companies
  • NSN Employer Services, Inc.
  • Personnel Planners
  • Unemployment Tracker Complete

Agencies Recognized for Dedication to UI Integrity by their Commitment to Utilizing SIDES:

  • Arizona Department of Economic Security
  • Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
  • Florida Department of Economic Opportunity
  • Indiana Department of Workforce Development
  • Kansas Department of Labor
  • Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
  • Nebraska Department of Labor
  • Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development
  • Utah Department of Workforce Services

"These employer's, TPA's and agencies' dedication to safeguarding taxpayer dollars in the UI system for those who are truly in need is remarkable," said Scott B. Sanders, Executive Director of NASWA. "Maintaining the integrity of the UI system is everyone's business and these employers, TPA's and agencies have taken that mission seriously."

For more information about NASWA's 2019 SIDES Seminar, visit NASWA.org.


(Pictured Front Left to Right: Lynsey Goins, Arizona Department of Economic Security; Janey Watkins-Sondrini, Indiana Department of Workforce Development; Dayne Freeman, Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation; Julianne Whitney, Utah Department of Workforce Services

Middle Left to Right: Andrea Frederick, Unemployment Tracker; Darlene Mendoza, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment; Christina Corbett, Kansas Department of Labor; Cara Hill, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity; Pam Nading, AlphaStaff, Inc.; Zheng Cui, EY; Chris Russ, Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development; Jennifer Castellanos, NSN Employer Services

Back Left to Right: Joe Okimi, Nebraska Department of Labor; Ofer Eckstein, Personnel Planners; Peter Gunn, Applied Underwriters, Inc.; Tom Vonderahe, Dunn Corporate Resources)



About the National Association of State Workforce Agencies (www.naswa.org): NASWA is the national organization representing all 50 state workforce agencies, District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. These agencies deliver training, employment, career, business, and wage and hour services, in addition to administering unemployment insurance, veteran reemployment, and labor market information programs. NASWA provides policy expertise, shares promising state practices, and promotes state innovation and leadership in workforce development.