Displaying 5231 - 5240 results of 5965 total. Displaying page 524 of 597 pages.
Opening Plenary - A Word from Our Speaker Sponsor
Thanks to our Speaker Sponsor!
Opening Plenary - Keynote Speaker: Flo Groberg*, Captain, US Army, Medal of Honor recipient
Keynote Speaker: Flo Groberg*, Captain, US Army, Medal of Honor recipient
Army Captain Florent “Flo” Groberg was on his second deployment to Afghanistan in August 2012 when he demonstrated the selflessness and bravery that earned him the Medal of Honor. Tackling a suicide bomber a...
Conference Opening Ceremonies
Introductions by Mike Slater*, Strategic Outreach Specialist, USDOL VETS
Welcome to the Sixth Annual NASWA Veterans Conference by Beth Townsend*, Executive Director, Iowa Workforce Development, and Chair, NASWA Veterans Affairs Committee
Presentation of the Colors by Joint Armed Forces ...
Exhibit Hall Open
through 5:30 p.m.
Conference Registration & Hospitality Desk
through 5:30 p.m.