The UI SIDES Operations Committee will meet on Friday, April 21, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET at the Crowne Plaza Indianapolis Downtown Union Station in the Illinois Street Ballroom.
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This Illinois state profile includes a snapshot of how the state responded to the COVID-19 pandemic during calendar year 2020. Throughout the pandemic, workforce agencies worked tirelessly to assist an unprecedented number of individuals and implement a host of new unemployment insurance p...
This Maine state profile includes a snapshot of how the state responded to the COVID-19 pandemic during calendar year 2020. Throughout the pandemic, workforce agencies worked tirelessly to assist an unprecedented number of individuals and implement a host of new unemployment insurance prog...
For Immediate Release
WASHINGTON – The National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) announced the election of the 2020-2021 association year executive committee and board of directors last week at the annual Workforce Summit & UI Directors’ Conference, which...
Tracks: Administrators | Employment and Training
Meeting the Challenges Facing Our Youth
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a range of impacts on youth and young adults across the US. This session will highlight what we know about these impacts and how states are developing strateg...
NASWA Welcome
Robert Asaro-Angelo, NASWA Board Chair 2021-2022 and Commissioner, New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Presentation of the Colors and Pledge of Allegiance
Rambler Battalion Army ROTC - (From Loyola, DePaul, Northwestern, North Park...