Displaying 131 - 140 results of 155 total. Displaying page 14 of 16 pages.
NASWA Survey of State UI Directors on the Short-Time Compensation Program
NASWA Survey of State UI Directors on the Short-Time Compensation Program
NASWA State Supplemental Funding Survey FY 2015
2015 Supplemental Report
USDOL Releases NASWA Report - Implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act: Workforce Development and Unemployment Insurance Provisions
In the spring of 2009, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) awarded a grant to the National Association of State Workforce Agencies/Center for Employment Security Education and Research (NASWA/CESER) to support and expand its efforts to document the actions of the public workfo...
New York State Uses "Promising Practices" to Help Reemploy UI Claimants and Other Jobseekers
NASWA/ITSC recently assisted the USDOL in documenting "promising" state and local reemployment practices. The practices were identified by USDOL as part of its efforts to promote better connections between UI claimants and workforce services, as a follow-up to the development of a "nationa...
Reemployment Strategies Promising Practices Summary: LA Fellows
The NASWA-ITSC report on the LA Fellows Program includes information on the program’s target population, recruitment and intake process, key partners, participant enrollment and characteristics, impacts, staffing, costs, opportunities for replication, and lessons learned. The LA Fellows Pr...
NASWA Survey on EUC08 UI Administrative Funding and State Staff Reductions
During the NASWA Board of Directors Meeting December, 6-7, 2012, several states expressed concern about the prospects of cuts in federal funding for administration of Unemployment Insurance (UI). The Board of Directors asked NASWA to survey all states on whether states will have to cut une...
NASWA Releases Survey Results on UI Financing Systems
The National Association of State Workforce Agencies recently completed its third annual survey of states on the status of their unemployment insurance (UI) financing systems. Originally intended to determine the amount and type of modifications to state UI tax mechanisms, the survey has e...