December NewsletterVolume I Issue 9 Register for the 2017 Winter Policy Forum NASWA In Action UI Integrity Corner NASWA Affiliate Program Kicks off for 2017
The purpose of the study is to provide an overview of past Reed Act distributions and identify how states chose to approach the current Reed Act distribution. Because the $8 billion Reed Act distribution was enacted in an economic stimulus package, policy makers expected it to stimulate th...
In June 2013, NASWA’s Employment and Training (E&T) Committee conducted a national survey on the use of Wagner-Peyser Act (W-P) funds, and the findings are presented in this report. The survey was designed to help answer two questions: 1) How do states spend W-P funds? 2) What value do...
The National Association of State Workforce Agencies recently asked members of its Employment and Training Committee, who are leaders in their state workforce development agencies, to participate in a survey to detail the impacts of sequestration on the workforce development system. With n...