Displaying 221 - 230 results of 231 total. Displaying page 23 of 24 pages.
Employment in Oregon February 2015 News Release
Employment in Oregon February 2015 News Release 03/17/2015 Oregon’s Unemployment Rate Falls to 5.8 Percent in February Oregon’s unemployment rate dropped to 5.8 percent in February from 6.3 percent in January. This was the second consecutive large drop in the rate, putting February’s rate ...
DWD Secretary Newson Announces Intent to Award Nearly $4 Million in Wisconsin Fast Forward Grants to Train Almost 3,600 Workers
Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development Secretary (DWD) Reggie Newson announces the DWD's intent to award nearly $4 million in worker training grants to help 57 employers develop in-demand skills for almost 3,600 workers through Round 3 of Governor Walker's Wisconsin Fast Forward (WF...
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Signed into Law
On Tuesday, July 22, President Barack Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) into law, formally overhauling and reauthorizing the expired Workforce Investment Act of 1998. The President signed WIOA following swift passage and overwhelming bipartisan support for th...
NASWA Members Brief House Committee on Ways and Means Members on UI Administration Funding and Reemployment Reform Proposals
On Thursday, January 9th, over 60 members from NASWA’s Administration and Finance, and Unemployment Insurance (UI) Committees representing 33 states and the District of Columbia traveled to Capitol Hill to meet with members of the House Majority on the House Committee on Ways and Means, Su...
NASWA Members meet with Senate Committee on Finance Staff on Challenges Facing UI System
On Thursday, November 21st, several states, led by the Chair and Vice Chair of NASWA’s Unemployment Insurance Committee Bruce Madson (OH) and Jay Rowell (IL), respectively, met with Congressional staff on the Senate Committee on Finance, which has jurisdiction over the Unemployment Insuran...
House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Calls for EUC Program to end in December
House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) issued a press release on Wednesday, October 30th, urging Congress to allow the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program to expire when current funding for the program expires at the end of December. In the statement...