Quality Control Specialist I

Vermont Department of Labor


The Vermont Department of Labor is looking for applicants with auditing, adjudicating, accounting, and/or program compliance experience to join the Benefits Accuracy Measurement (BAM) team in our UI Quality Control Unit within the Unemployment Insurance Division. If you have strong analytical and investigative skills, this may be a great position for you!

The Quality Control Specialist I is an entry-level position that is responsible for quality control reviews of statewide unemployment compensation benefits. Duties involve the investigation and analysis of randomly selected cases of compensated weeks of unemployment and denied unemployment insurance claims. Frequent interaction with claimants, employers, and their representatives is required. Strong skills in the areas of critical thinking, objective evaluation of evidence, self-planning, and organization are all highly valuable in this position, and we're excited to hear from applicants who can tell us about their skills and experience.


The deadline for this job posting is December 1, 2024.