June Committee Meetings Wrap-Up


Board of Directors Meeting


Thirty members of the Board representing 24 states met in Minneapolis on June 7th.  Attendees heard reports from Board Chair Michael Harrington (VT), and NASWA President Scott B. Sanders as well as policy committee updates from committee chairs. Topics of discussion included DUA disaster planning, modernization, and SUMMIT content planning. The meeting wrapped up with a peer-to-peer roundtable discussion. 

The next in-person Board of Directors Meeting is September 12, 2023 in conjunction with the SUMMIT in Anaheim, California. 


Administration and Finance Meeting


A total of 30 members from 21 states joined together in Minneapolis, MN from June 8-9, 2023. Attendees heard updates from representatives from USDOL and NASWA along with a Washington, DC update from John Colbert of Capitol Hill Partners. A review of a proposed training initiative was also discussed select committee issues were brought in front of members.

The next Administration & Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2023 in Anaheim, CA.


Communications Meeting


The Communications Committee meeting was highlighted by several presentations revolving around the Government Social Media Conference and timely policy & legislative issues. 20 members from 12 states heard an overview of USDOL’s “Yes, WIOA Can” initiative from Kim Vitelli and Caroline Chen. The group concluded the meeting in Minneapolis, MN (June 8-9, 2023) with discussions on local workforce center branding and apprenticeship outreach.

The next Communications Committee meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2023 in Anaheim, CA.



Equal Opportunity Meeting


The Equal Opportunity Committee had 32 attendees representing 24 states at its meeting from June 8-9 in Minneapolis, MN. The members began the meetings with a joint meeting with the Technology Committee. Attendees also heard a Civil Rights Center update and discussion from USDOL’s Naomi Barry-Perez and Linda Skurnak along with traveling to South Minneapolis CareerForce for a one-stop site-visit.

The next Equal Opportunity Committee meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2023 in Anaheim, CA.


Technology Meeting


The Technology Committee meeting was held in Minneapolis on June 8-9, 2023. The meeting was attended by 17 members from 12 states.

The meeting started off with a joint session with the Equal Opportunity Committee, where the challenges and opportunities for equity and language access were discussed. Presenters from Wisconsin and Minnesota also shared their best practices. The Committee held a roundtable discussion on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Generative AI, in state agencies. The Committee will be sharing guidelines and use cases as states develop policies around AI. NASWA Services presented updates to the Committee from UI SIDES, UI ICON, Workforce ITSC and UI ITSC.

The meeting was a valuable opportunity for networking, learning, and collaboration among the Technology Committee members. Thank you to all the participants for their contributions and are looking forward to continuing to work together at the next meeting on September 12, 2023 in Anaheim, CA.


Veterans Affairs Meeting


Members from 33 states and Puerto Rico attended NASWA’s Veterans Affairs committee June 8-9 in Minneapolis. Members received an update from USDOL VETS, learned about the wide scope of services available to Veterans in Minnesota, heard promising practices from both North Carolina and Indiana, received an update on the Veterans Conference, and spent time working on several strategic initiatives. The group’s next virtual meeting will be July 12 at 10:30 a.m. EDT.