NASWA in Action: February 2023 Committees Recap

Board of Directors Meeting

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors met February 14, 2023 to discuss state and national labor priorities.






Administration and Finance Meeting

Administration & Finance Committee

Members of the Administration & Finance Committee joined together in Washington, DC as discussions centered around a proposed training initiative, select committee issues and future planning. A total of 32 attendees across 21 states joined together to hear updates on NASWA's Behavioral Insights and ARPA Tiger Teams along with WIOA-Workforce. The group also conducted a joint session with the Workforce & Labor Market Information Committee.

The next Administration & Finance Committee meeting is scheduled for June 8-9, 2023, in Minneapolis, MN.



Communications Meeting

Communications Committee

A total of 26 members from 15 states attended the Communications Committee meeting in Washington, DC, February 16-17, 2023. Attendees heard NASWA updates on state equity grants and Tiger Team projects along with a State of the Labor Market presentation from LinkedIn's Dr. Rand Ghayad. State practices in communications and committee workgroup updates were also discussed and presented.

The next Communications Committee meeting is scheduled for June 8-9, 2023, in Minneapolis, MN.




Employment & Training Meeting

Employment & Training Committee

The Employment & Training Committee convened at the 2023 Winter Policy Forum with 52 attendees representing 29 states. Members heard presentations centered around infrastructure in workforce development and state broadband initiatives. Updates were heard from federal partners while state roundtables were also conducted.





Equal Opportunity Meeting

Equal Opportunity Committee

The Equal Opportunity Committee members conducted a joint meeting with the Workforce & Labor Market Information Committee. A total of 27 attendees from 21 states collaborated to share promising practices, conduct committee roundtables and hear updates from the USDOL Civil Rights Center and Office of Disability Employment Policy.

The next Equal Opportunity Committee meeting is scheduled for June 8-9, 2023, in Minneapolis, MN.




Technology Meeting

Technology Committee

Vice Chair John Demas (AL) welcomed 21 committee members representing 15 states to the NASWA Technology Committee meeting on February 16-17 in Washington, DC.

The Committee received updates from the U.S. Department of Labor, National Labor Exchange (NLx), Tiger Teams, National Governors Association (NGA), Workforce ITSC and UI ITSC. In addition, the committee invited the recipient of the 2023 Merrill Baumgardner Award, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), to present on their award-winning IT solution. Members engaged in roundtable discussions on current state projects, IT centralization, data sharing with programs/agencies, and other topics.

The next Technology Committee meeting is on June 8-9, 2023, in Minneapolis, MN. For more information contact John Quichocho or Amy Hiltunen.


Workforce & Labor Market Information Meeting

Workforce & Labor Market Information Committee

Workforce & Labor Market Information Committee meeting attendees had a pair of joint sessions with the Administration & Finance Committee and Equal Opportunity Committee during the February meeting. State promising practices on career information and exploration along with NASWA updates and a progress report on the National Labor Exchange Research Hub were presented to the 29 attendees representing 21 states.