UI Interstate Connection Network (UI ICON) Real-Time Services Now in the Modernized ICON Cloud Hub

ICON Real-Time Services – State Identification Inquiry (SID), Interstate Benefit Inquiry (IBIQ), Withdrawn/Invalid Claims (WIC), and Unemployment Insurance Query (UIQ) are now in production in the ICON Cloud Hub. If your state connects to Real-Time ICON services via SOAP or Web Services, now is the time to create a direct connection to the FedRAMP-compliant AWS Cloud Hub. By directly connecting to the ICON Cloud Hub, your state can benefit from a simplified connection to the ICON Hub and added assurance that only valid data is sent & received. Other benefits from this direct connection include:  

  • Synchronous responses. 

  • Support of varying programming languages (Java and .Net). 

  • A simple upgrade path. 

  • Example projects provided to help your State quickly become proficient with ICONnect (packaged code using REST API calls and JSON objects). 

For additional information, please contact the NASWA ICON Team at icon@naswa.org.