[Webinar/Demo] NJ's UI Email Templates & How To Use Them In Your State
Did you face communications challenges like New Jersey did during the pandemic? Did you also lack the resources to test your communications with real people? Are you able to test for and adjust to meet accessibility standards?
This webinar will show you the steps New Jersey took to overhaul our UI emails with a newly developed, open-source kit containing a collection of styles, components, and building blocks to quickly create action-forward for your State’s UI program. We’ll show you exactly how to use our templates for your communication needs, as well as how simple the HTML implementation process truly is. The webinar will be held July 11, 2023, at 3pm ET. We are asking for this session to be state staff only as we’ll also discuss vendor management strategies related to this effort. We plan to offer follow-up sessions with states that could include their vendor staff.
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