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Session Recording
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated long-standing racial employment and wage inequities. People of color make up a disproportionate share of the low-wage, essential workforce and are also experiencing higher rates of joblessness. State workforce agencies are in a ke...
Session Recording
The current COVID-19 outbreak and the resulting employment crisis have made it clear: state and local data are key to understanding and responding to local social and economic challenges. While state data systems end at state borders, there is massive potential to dev...
Session Recording
This session will provide an opportunity for state workforce agency attorneys to discuss legal and compliance issues with the U.S. Department of Labor.
Andy Rubsam, Attorney, Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Michelle Beebe, Divisio...
Session Recording
Designated for both state UI and IT professionals, this workshop features presentations from states with new UI IT systems.
Louis Ansaldi, Technical Director, NASWA
John Demas, Acting Director, Information Systems, Alabama Department of L...
Session Recording
One benefit of the current pandemic is a growing realization that virtual work is "real work," and a lot gets accomplished during the day (and night) in our home offices. Was your state ready for this shift in service delivery, and what virtual strategies would streng...
Session Recording
Welcome and "Thank You" to our 2020 Association Year Board President, Anna Hui, and a warm welcome to our incoming 2021 Association Year Board Chair, Fitzgerald Washington.
Anna Hui, NASWA Board President (2020 Association Year) and Director, Missouri D...
Session Recording
Join us as we hear the latest from the U.S. Department of Labor on UI, apprenticeships, employment and unemployment statistics, and workforce.
Gay Gilbert, Administrator, Office of Unemployment Insurance, Employment and Training Ad...
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CATCH Intelligence
Check out CATCH Intelligence's ...
Session Recording
In these uncertain times, current information on available jobs is more important than ever. Through the National Labor Exchange (NLx) partnership, your state workforce agency is already equipped to deliver high-quality online job openings for every skill level and indu...