Annual Reports

Annual Reports

The Annual Report provides detailed information on NASWA's mission, organization, goals, activities and accomplishments during the 2013 association year. This document serves as a comprehensive resource for state workforce agency administrators and workforce agency employees to take full advantage of the benefits of NASWA membership.

NASWA accomplished the following surrounding its strategic goals and initiatives in 2013:

Policy Development

NASWA furthered its strategic goal of strengthening policy-making efforts and developing strategies for addressing sequestration as NASWA surveyed states on the effect of sequestration on Unemployment Insurance (UI), Workforce Investment Act (WIA), and Wagner-Peyser Act programs, and communicated these challenges to the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL). NASWA also worked to educate members of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on restoring the WIA 15 percent state allocation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014, and the vital role these funds serve in providing oversight and technical assistance to local workforce areas.

Membership Engagement

NASWA's continuing goal of facilitating information exchange amongst its members was strengthened with NASWA hosting five conferences, along with 20 committee meetings, providing forums for states to communicate with federal partners on current challenges facing the workforce system. The NASWA and ITSC websites also provided a comprehensive library of online resources spanning UI and workforce programs on the latest developments, guidance and best practices.

Customer Engagement

NASWA increased the engagement of its stakeholders and customers they serve by providing over 8.8 million currently available, unique job listings from verified employers on over 40,000 job search websites through the National Labor Exchange (NLX), a public-private partnership between employers and states. NASWA also renewed its partnership with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) facilitating the distribution of over 250,000 English and Spanish brochures to 32 states, providing a resource for jobseekers on managing their personal finances during periods of unemployment.

USDOL Relationships

NASWA continued to enhance its relationship with the Employment and Training Administration (ETA), raising state issues to the federal level, as NASWA serves as the primary forum for states to collectively engage with USDOL. NASWA, USDOL and states worked to develop online tools and resources, including the UI-Workforce Connectivity Project, which seeks to create a real-time Integrated Workforce Registration (IWR) system online that would serve as the entry to all reemployment services. The NLX also serves as the job listing provider for USDOL's online search resources including the online American Job Center, CareerOne Stop and MySkillsMyFuture.

Also included in the NASWA 2013 Annual Report is an appendix with an updated state administrator directory as of June 2014, information on the structure of the workforce system and federal workforce funding and performance results for 2013.

For the 2013 Annual Report, click here.

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