Building Data Literacy for All
Workforce IT Support Center Training

"Building Data Literacy for All" is a customized learning opportunity focused on data literacy and the critical role it plays in improving programs and services for customers. Cynthia Forland, Ph.D. and Scott Wheeler, subject matter experts with nearly 50 years of combined experience in workforce data analysis and data-based decision-making, will lead the sessions.

Who Should Attend?

This learning opportunity is designed for government employees supporting workforce development programs, such as Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Labor Market Information, and Unemployment Insurance.

Participants can choose the track that fits their job role best: Senior Leaders, Policy Makers and Managers; Frontline Staff; or Analysts. These tracks are delivered either through webinars or virtual instructor-led training sessions, all provided at no cost!


Woman on webinar at laptop with second monitor

Senior Leaders, Policy Makers and Managers Track

Webinar Series

Thursday, June 6 | Asking the Right Questions: Unleashing the Power of Data
Thursday, June 13 | Data Storytelling: Communicating Insights for Impact
Thursday, June 20 | Building a Data-Driven Culture: From Investment to Improvement

All webinars take place from 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. ET

Individuals who set strategic direction, make decisions that impact data initiatives and implement data-driven practices.

Businessman reaching out to shake the hand of a customer

Frontline Staff Track

Webinar Series

Tuesday, July 2 | Data Quality: The Foundation for Trustworthy Decisions
Tuesday, July 16 | Decoding Data: Understanding the Reports You Use
Tuesday, July 30 | Data-Driven Service: Using Reports to Enhance Customer Interactions

All webinars take place from 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. ET

Frontline workers who are responsible for collecting data directly from customers. Participants may interact with individual jobseekers, employers and claimants.



Man taking notes at a desk while on a virtual training

Analysts Track

Virtual Instructor-Led Training

Limited to 30 participants
Participants are required to attend all four sessions

Enrollment Deadline: Friday, June 7, 2024

Wednesday, June 26 | Demystifying Data: What It Can (and Can't) Tell You
Wednesday, July 10 | The Data Toolkit: Choosing the Right Tools for the Job
Wednesday, July 24 | Visual Storytelling: Transforming Data into Clear Insights
Wednesday, August 7 | From Request to Revelation: Meeting the Demands of Data Users

All virtual trainings take place from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. ET

Staff who are responsible for analyzing and interpreting data as well as developing reports and visualizations.



Cynthia Forland headshot

Cynthia Forland, Ph.D.

Cynthia Forland, Ph.D is a nationally recognized workforce development and labor market information leader. She has extensive experience with workforce and labor market information, policy, reporting, analysis and evaluation. Dr. Forland has operated her own consulting firm for four years, working with clients including NASWA, the Council for Community and Economic Research, the U.S. Department of Labor and individual states and local workforce development areas. She also served as a senior manager with the Washington State Employment Security Department, where she oversaw labor market information, research and evaluation, and agency-wide performance measures. Dr. Forland has a Ph.D. in political philosophy from the New School for Social Research.

Scott Wheeler headshot

Scott Wheeler

Scott Wheeler is a nationally recognized workforce development expert, who has extensive experience with workforce and labor market information, policy, reporting, analysis and evaluation. For the last five years, he has provided subject matter expertise and data analysis to local, state and federal agencies as a contractor. Prior to that, he worked for 10 years at the Washington State Employment Security Department as the Workforce Information Operations Manager and the Director of Workforce System Performance. Mr. Wheeler has a Master’s of Public Administration from Evergreen State College.


Contact Us

NASWA Workforce ITSC offers a range of services to support all workforce system partners, NASWA Members and Government Partners, as they work collaboratively to meet current and future customer needs. Learn more about Workforce ITSC: