Online Tools

The Online Tools by Workforce ITSC focus on technology and integration pertaining to WIOA program administration, offering users access to browse resources, technology solutions, promising practices, and stay informed about data and technology trends.

Who can access the Online Tools? 

The Online Tools are available at no cost to all government employees supporting WIOA Titles I, II, III, and IV, as well as UI, TANF and SNAP programs. This includes NASWA Members in State Workforce Agencies, as well as Government Partners in Federal and State Agencies. (i.e. - Department of Health & Human Services, Department of Education, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, etc...)

A NASWA Member or Government Partner Account is required to access the Online Tools. Please contact Workforce ITSC if you need assistance. 

Online Tools:

State Technology Profiles

Interested in how other states are set up to operationalize WIOA? Take a look at snapshots of state technology systems used to support service delivery across WIOA programs.
Explore the Insights

Procurement Portal

Looking for examples of procurement language? Check out our catalog of competitive and non-competitive procurement resources, including active and archived RFPs and RFIs.
Access the Procurement Portal

Solutions Marketplace

Curious about what technology-related products and services are available? Search our virtual warehouse for workforce technology solutions and virtual service delivery products that support WIOA programs, as well as a collection of practices highlighting technology solutions states are using to serve customers.
Search Products and Services

Library - Workforce Technology Collection

Want to learn about technology and emerging trends? Browse our Workforce Technology Collection of resources actively managed by subject matter experts and librarians to ensure high-quality content.
Visit the Library

Read the reports and insights used by Workforce ITSC to analyze state needs and identify opportunities for technical assistance and advisory services, inform content development in the Workforce Academy, direct improvements to the suite of online tools, and to provide valuable market insights to our members.

Create a NASWA Account

A NASWA Member or Government Partner account is required to access Workforce ITSC's Workforce Academy and Online Tools.

Identify Your Account Type:

  • NASWA Members: Government Employees in State Workforce Agencies
  • Government Partners: Government Employees Supporting WIOA, TANF and SNAP programs in Federal and State Agencies. (i.e. - Department of Health & Human Services, Department of Education, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, etc...)

Visit the Membership Tab to create your account and access the Online Tools!



NASWA Workforce ITSC offers a range of services to support all workforce system partners, NASWA Members and Government Partners, as they work collaboratively to meet current and future customer needs. Learn more about Workforce ITSC: